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Q. Who is Nectivio?

We believe sustainability, built around the science and business of decarbonization, offers a significant competitive advantage to companies who operationalize it with an economic point of view coupled with the correct framework for execution.

Nectivio’s GHG Emissions Management, Accounting, and Sustainability Reporting Platform leverages 50+ years of extensive business operations, international value chain, sustainability, carbon management, and technology experience with an easy-to-use, AI accelerated platform to:

1) Guide companies and organizations in identifying, managing, reporting, and reducing their GHG emissions.

2) Overcome the massive up front and ongoing management costs and logistical hurdles in collecting emissions related data - internally and up & down your value chain.

3) Generate comprehensive reporting and visualizations fully integrated with the latest ESG requirements and all Sustainability Frameworks.

4) Enable emissions reduction analysis to meet science based decarbonization targets, measure carbon intensity down to the unit level, and to achieve sustainability goals.

5) Enable leadership, operational, and sustainability teams to have an integrated point of view with an actionable framework for decarbonization - while strengthening operational resilience, enhancing profitability, and continuing to deliver robust results for all stakeholders.

Q. What is Nectivio’s decarbonization difference?
  • The math of calculating emissions isn’t all that complicated - “carbon calculators” are a dime a dozen – in fact some are free. If that is what you’re looking for they’re easy to find. Nectivio is much, much more.

  • We make GHG Emissions accounting, analysis, reporting, and reduction strategies accessible and economic to all businesses.

  • Most companies don't know where to start. We make getting started easy with non-technical, step by step tutorials that identify your company’s emission sources, how to collect the data, and how to measure them.

  • We leverage integrations, AI, and mobile technologies for easy, detailed, and accurate data collection across your organization and value chain.

  • We manage and track detailed, supporting source evidence for all activity data to make limited and reasonable assurance auditing and verification inexpensive.

  • With our robust API, we seamlessly integrate with a wide range of activity data providers and with all Sustainability and ESG Reporting Software solutions.
Q. What problems does Nectivio solve?
  • Enable sustainability teams to respond to increasing requirements from C Level leadership, Board, and Investors

  • Enable shareholder and stakeholder engagement

  • Respond quickly and efficiently to demands and challenges from operational leaders and interact seamlessly with value chain partners

  • Respond to increasing regulatory and reporting requirements

  • Overcome logistical burden of data collection and aggregation

  • Eliminate costly and error prone manual data entry

  • Overcome the significant budget constraints in carbon / emissions data collection and ongoing management

  • Collect and aggregate measurable data to meet Net Zero and climate related targets

  • Empower the effectiveness of existing in-house sustainability personnel

  • Reduce needs to hire additional personnel and expensive consultants

  • Measure and report carbon intensity by nearly any metric you choose, e.g., EBITDA, Net Income, per SKU, per employee, etc. in order to benchmark your company against your competitors and to meet customer requirements.

  • Enable data-based decisions based on factual information for reducing emissions in a cost efficient way.
Q. What challenges should be expected in getting started with GHG emissions management?

Getting started is hard and can be complex.

Identifying all sources of emissions and which specific calculation methodology to use requires guidance from expensive consultants or difficult-to-find employees with a significant experience and training.

Understanding which emissions to consider and which are out-of-scope is a hard problem to solve.

Collecting data is hard and can be extremely challenging.

Carbon calculators are a dime a dozen – they are everywhere and many are available for free.

Most underestimate the cost and complexities of data collection, aggregation, and management.

The largest $ spend is on consulting for how best to collect data.

The largest costs are in data collection in the initial set up of an emissions inventory and the ongoing process of emissions data management.

To calculate emissions, data must be collected from internal and external sources. Obtaining and tracking this data can be incredibly challenging for most companies, as it is often spread across multiple systems that do not communicate with each other or requires human interaction on a regular basis.

Additionally, organization-wide procedural and systemic changes are often necessary to start systematically collecting and reporting missing or required data that wasn’t being tracked before.

This complexity increases significantly when considering a company’s Scope 3 emissions (indirect emissions a company is causing elsewhere) which requires obtaining detailed data from partners, vendors, employees, and customers.

Identifying effective reduction strategies is hard.

Many companies face challenges in finding effective strategies to substantially decrease their emissions. Often, even the most well-intentioned ideas fall short of achieving the significant impact that companies hope to achieve.

In most scenarios, achieving notable emissions reductions requires a considerable investment of capital. A data-driven approach is necessary to validate the return on investment for these endeavors.

Q. How does Nectivio help with these challenges?

The solutions we bring.

To create resilient strategies to decarbonize your organization you first need to establish a detailed and accurate baseline. Companies struggle to reduce emissions because they don't have a deep understanding of their emissions sources. We replace estimates and assumptions with hard defensible data and real-world evidence, empowering resilient and effective solutions.

Remove the need for an expert to get started.

Using our low-touch model, businesses can get started without expensive human guidance. There are more companies needing to report emissions than experts to support them.

Nectivio guides companies through the process of identifying their emission sources and how to measure them with straightforward non-technical questions.

We help you identify and classify material emissions sources quickly and inexpensively.

A plethora of data collection strategies to meet every need.

At Nectivio, we believe manual entry of activity data should never be required.

We empower businesses with connectors to many common systems. If you're already tracking required data in an existing system Nectivio can connect to it and automatically retrieve the data.

With Nectivio's mobile app, field staff can instantly collect data in real-time. No cumbersome or error prone processes need to be adopted to send data back to a clerk for manual entry.

Our AI can extract data from unstructured data sources like bills, invoices, and emails saving time and reducing errors.

Do you have existing spreadsheets of data? We can intelligently import them, automatically identifying column mapping and data formats. No complicated multi-step configuration required.

Collaborate easily across the entire value chain.

Easy, detailed and accurate data collection from both inside and outside your organization is key to developing defensible reduction strategies. Any solution must start by making data collection easy.

Generate, track, and follow-up on RFIs to third parties without leaving the platform using our integrated project management and communications features.

Leverage our AI to interpret responses to data requests, both internally and externally, and extract relevant data automatically directly into the platform which can then be audited before acceptance.

Publish and share emissions data between companies in real-time.

Nectivio manages and tracks the supporting source evidence for each piece of activity data to make limited and reasonable assurance auditing cost effective. 

Q. What is Nectivio’s pricing?

We offer 3 software and services packages on our “Products & Services” web page. These offerings are structured to work well for companies and businesses fitting the descriptions provided. We have different software, services, and support packages available based on specific customer needs and the complexity and size of their value chain. Speak with one of our decarbonization advisors to learn more and receive a quote.

Q. What types of companies does Nectivio work with?

We work with all types and sizes of companies. Our platform is industry agnostic and is well suited for companies and organizations regardless of their level of expertise in decarbonization and GHG emissions management and reporting.

Q. What are Scope 1, 2 and 3 Emissions?

Scope 1 are direct GHG emissions from sources a company owns or controls. This includes stationary sources (generation of electricity, heat, or steam), mobile sources (such as transportation of materials, business travel in company owned vehicles, products, waste, and employees), physical or chemical processing, and fugitive emissions. If your company generates electricity within its boundaries, this electricity is classified as Scope 1 – even if the generated electricity is sold to another entity or company.

If your company owns or controls the source, they are direct emissions. Otherwise, the emissions are classified as indirect (Scope 2 or Scope 3).

Scope 2 are indirect GHG emissions from generation of acquired, purchased, and consumed electricity, steam, heat, or cooling (collectively referred to as "electricity") from a source not owned or controlled by your company. They are often thought of as a special class of indirect emissions and typically represent a significant opportunity for companies to make GHG emissions reductions. They are often the most important emissions category for office, professional, service, and financial type organizations.

Scope 3 are all other indirect emissions not included in Scope 2 that occur in the value chain of the reporting company, including both upstream and downstream activities. Upstream activities from suppliers can include manufacturing, transportation, shipping, and storage while downstream activities can include customer product or service use and disposal, employee travel for business on non-company owned transportation (planes, trains, vehicles), customer related travel, and product delivery.

Q. We are a consulting and advisory firm and have clients asking about their emissions. Does Nectivio work with consulting and advisory firms?

Yes. We collaborate with consulting and advisory firms in a variety of ways to facilitate client implementation and operationalizing their success.

We are available to assist with emissions-related questions and scenarios. Our capabilities cover a broad spectrum from helping leadership teams develop an economic point of view on the science and business of decarbonization, to assisting companies with creating a framework for executing a decarbonization plan, to helping with more involved emissions related questions and specialized technology tools to remove the logistical complexities of collecting emissions activity data both inside and outside companies.

We can help with technical projects involving GHG emissions footprints and asset decarbonization, carbon data management tools and processes, functional solutions for solving the logistical burden of data collection, aggregation, and lack of data availability.

We can enhance your internal resources with digital capabilities and tools for carbon management projects.

Q. What types of support does Nectivio offer?

We offer different levels of support along with our software packages. This support is designed to facilitate the successful and efficient implementation of our platform and leverage its initial and ongoing success within your organization. Additional support is available and can include operational support for questions within your organization, value chain implementations, integrations with external activity data providers, and specialized reporting requirements for ESG software and Sustainability Frameworks.

Q. How can I use Nectivio to visualize my impact?

Nectivio will calculate your Greenhouse Gas emissions and provide a detailed breakdown of their sources. 

Armed with our data insights, you can create resilient strategies for emission reduction, and focus your efforts where they'll have the greatest reduction and create the defensible strategies needed to justify large scale investments in sustainability initiatives.

Q. Does Nectivio provide compliant reporting for international sustainability frameworks?

Since we’re based on the global standard Greenhouse Gas Protocol, metric reports for common sustainability disclosure frameworks including GRI, ISSB, IFRS, TCFD, CDP and more, can be generated at the push of a button. Comply with ever increasing investor, stakeholder, federal and state government, regulatory, insurance, and value chain reporting demands effortlessly.

With verifiable and auditable emissions data, Nectivio empowers your business to compete by demonstrating your ability to offer products and services with lower carbon intensity vs your competitors.


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